3voor12 Talkshow Editors: "Communication broke down, we couldn't really talk to each other" 3voor12 11:08 11 years ago 936 Далее Скачать
Everything Everything: "A terrorist's mind is the most difficult place to get to" 3voor12 extra 8:56 8 years ago 6 101 Далее Скачать
3voor12 Song Stories: Courtney Barnett - Nobody Really Cares If You Go To The Party 3voor12 extra 2:17 9 years ago 2 183 Далее Скачать
Weaves Improvises on all Their Recordings and Tells You How to Throat-Sing 3voor12 extra 4:36 7 years ago 87 Далее Скачать
Fink interview: Fin Greenall on techno and classical musicand becoming an old bastard 3voor12 extra 8:41 9 years ago 4 974 Далее Скачать
Flume interview: Harley Streten: "I'd really like to plug my brain to a computer" 3voor12 extra 5:46 9 years ago 56 107 Далее Скачать
Day Wave: "In The Netherlands music is a bigger part of the culture" 3voor12 extra 3:22 7 years ago 99 Далее Скачать
The National interview with @DamienBlank - C4TV Pop Machete (PopMacheteTV) 4:30 10 years ago 1 442 Далее Скачать
3voor12 Talkshow: Mr Probz in een week van afgebrand huis naar 3FM Megahit 3voor12 11:17 11 years ago 12 027 Далее Скачать
Priya Ragu on Tamil culture and her love for Lauryn Hill 3voor12 4:52 2 years ago 4 044 Далее Скачать
Octavian on Skepta and his ‘top secret’ debut album 3voor12 extra 8:42 4 years ago 5 290 Далее Скачать
PVA: the ideal band for indieheads with a love for techno 3voor12 6:13 3 years ago 3 173 Далее Скачать